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Adobe 全系列軟體

Adobe Creative Cloud for Teams(CCT)

Creative Cloud 可將您進行創作所需的一切整合在一起。一個簡單會籍就能讓您和您的團隊存取所有 Adobe 專業創意桌面應用程式的最新版,如 Photoshop、Illustrator 等,加上推出後立即可用的新功能和升級。透過雲端儲存空間和檔案同步能力,無論您在何處,甚至用行動裝置也能可靠地取用您的檔案,而且您可以比以往更輕鬆地和客戶或同事分享您的概念。雲端服務可讓您建立和發佈網站、行動裝置應用程式、iPad 出版物,以及適用於任何媒體或裝置的內容。而且透過 Behance 整合,您可以在專屬 URL 上發佈自訂作品集,擠身全世界最大的創意社群,獲取靈感、反饋和新商機。使用 Creative Cloud,您的整個創意工作空間有專屬的集中儀表板,可將想法、檔案、字體、設定、通知、桌面應用程式和團隊成員保持同步。

  • 包含:Acrobat Pro / Photoshop / Illustrator / InDesign / Premiere Pro / After Effects / Lightroom / XD / Animate / Lightroom Classic / Dreamweaver / Dimension / Audition / InCopy / Character Animator / Capture / Fresco / Bridge / Adobe Spark / Premiere Rush / Photoshop Express / Photoshop Camera / Media Encoder / Aero / Prelude / Lightroom Web 版 / Scan / Fill & Sign / Acrobat Reader
  • 加入適用於團隊的 Creative Cloud,每位使用者可以獲得 1TB 的儲存空間。
  • 網頁型 Admin Console,讓您可輕鬆管理和重新指派授權。
  • 提供專家支援,每年可與Adobe產品專家進行2次一對一交流。
  • Creative Cloud 應用程式建立的檔案可供共用,就像任何其他檔案一樣。例如,您可以透過電子郵件、FTP 等等共用檔案。
  • 連接您的作品與創意社群,Behance 現在已與 Creative Cloud 整合。
  • 身為 Creative Cloud 繳費會員,只要該產品本身有提供,您可以下載並安裝任何語言的 CC 應用程式。
  • Creative Cloud 會籍可讓您存取所有的創意桌面應用程式,將其下載並安裝於本機電腦,也可以使用其他應用程式和線上服務。
  • Creative Cloud 桌面應用程式系統需求:Microsoft® Windows 10 (64 位元) 版本 1903 和更新版本/macOS Sierra (最低版本 10.12 / 建議版本10.14) 及更新版本。
  • Creative Cloud 網站目前提供以下語言版本:英文、繁體中文、捷克文、丹麥文、荷蘭文、芬蘭文、法文、德文、義大利文、日文、韓文、挪威文、波蘭文、葡萄牙文、俄文、西班牙文、瑞典文與土耳其文。個別桌面應用程式與服務可能沒有全數提供這些語言版本。
最新促銷價請來電 02-2511-9098
Adobe Creative Cloud - 包含全套 20 多款創意應用程式,更多工具觸手可及!
詳情歡迎來電 02-25119098 洽詢!


創意團隊有獨特的創意、協作和管理需求,以協助提供其最佳作品。適用於團隊的 Creative Cloud 專為符合這些需求而設計。
使用適用於團隊的 Creative Cloud,您不僅可以存取每個 Creative Cloud 應用程式和所有未來版本與創新,還可以享有團隊創作及同儕協作所需的最新 Creative 服務和商務功能。其中包含每個授權共用 1TB 檔案儲存空間的私人資料夾、維護檔案版本、選擇合Cloud作對象,以及在一個地方擷取所有活動的能力。透過 Adobe 專家服務支援組織,您也會享有每年每個授權兩次的一對一諮詢服務。您將會擁有集中管理工具,讓 IT 人員輕鬆購買、部署及管理 Creative Cloud,以及團隊的變更需求。

  • 加入免費會籍可讓您存取強大的檔案同步與共用功能、100GB 儲存空間、免費等級的 Adobe 服務,並享有所有 Creative Cloud 應用程式和其他 Adobe 桌面應用程式 (如 Acrobat 和 Lightroom) 7 天免費試用。身為 Creative Cloud 免費會員,您可以從 Creative Cloud 網站下載 Creative Cloud 桌面應用程式試用版。

Adobe 全系列軟體


  • 快克利為 Adobe 的台灣經銷商,銷售 Adobe 全產品線及雲端授權方案,全系列產品優惠價供應中!
  • Adobe Creative Cloud 客戶,請使用Adobe ID 登入,請至 登入及申請ID。
  • Creative Cloud 桌面應用程式 (例如 Photoshop 和 Illustrator) 是直接安裝在您的電腦上,當您安裝及授權軟體時需要連線。如果您有全年會籍,我們會要求您連線到網路,每 30 天驗證軟體授權一次。
  • 若曾裝過 Adobe 舊版或是 beta ,或解安裝不完全,造成無法順利安裝 Adobe 軟體程式者,Windows 作業系統請下載執行 Adobe CS Cleaner Tool For Win 來清除, Mac 作業系統請下載執行 Adobe CS Cleaner Tool For Mac 來清除,操作流程請參閱
  • 快克利提醒您~所有軟體於銷售後,一經拆封無法退貨,購買前請確認版本!

Adobe 全系列軟體 商業授權 (VIP)

快克利更新:2024 年 4 月 25 日
原廠料號產品名稱 (W)授權類型等級優惠價
65323987BA01A12Acrobat Pro for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65323987BA02A12Acrobat Pro for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65324052BA01A12Acrobat Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65324052BA02A12Acrobat Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65324057BA01A12Acrobat Pro for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65324057BA02A12Acrobat Pro for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65324109BA01A12Acrobat Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65324109BA02A12Acrobat Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271331BA01A12Acrobat Standard DC for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271331BA02A12Acrobat Standard DC for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271338BA01A12Acrobat Standard DC for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271338BA02A12Acrobat Standard DC for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297909BA01A12Acrobat Standard DC for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297909BA02A12Acrobat Standard DC for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297919BA01A12Acrobat Standard DC for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297919BA02A12Acrobat Standard DC for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297744BA01B12Adobe Audition for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297744BA02B12Adobe Audition for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297749BA01B12Adobe Audition for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297749BA02B12Adobe Audition for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297807BA01B12Adobe Dimension for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297807BA02B12Adobe Dimension for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297812BA01B12Adobe Dimension for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297812BA02B12Adobe Dimension for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65318580BA01A12Adobe Express for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65318580BA02A12Adobe Express for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65318587BA01A12Adobe Express for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65318587BA02A12Adobe Express for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65328934BA01A12Adobe Express for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65328934BA02A12Adobe Express for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65330830BA01A12Adobe Express for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65330830BA02A12Adobe Express for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65330837BA01A12Adobe Express for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65330837BA02A12Adobe Express for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65303270BA01A12Adobe Fresco for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65303270BA02A12Adobe Fresco for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65303277BA01A12Adobe Fresco for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65303277BA02A12Adobe Fresco for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297626BA01B12Adobe Premiere Pro for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297626BA02B12Adobe Premiere Pro for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297631BA01B12Adobe Premiere Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297631BA02B12Adobe Premiere Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65270685BA01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Large) (圖庫)續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65270685BA02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Large) (圖庫)續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65270692BA01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Large) (圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65270692BA02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Large) (圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65274058BA01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Other) (圖庫)續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65274058BA02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Other) (圖庫)續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65274065BA01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Other) (圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65274065BA02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Other) (圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65270596BA01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Small) (圖庫)續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65270596BA02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Small) (圖庫)續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65270603BA01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Small) (圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65270603BA02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Small) (圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309787BA01B12After Effects - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309787BA02B12After Effects - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308737BA01B12After Effects - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308737BA02B12After Effects - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308662BA01B12After Effects - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308662BA02B12After Effects - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308754BA01B12After Effects - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308754BA02B12After Effects - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308656BA01B12After Effects - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308656BA02B12After Effects - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308748BA01B12After Effects - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308748BA02B12After Effects - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297725BA01B12After Effects for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297725BA02B12After Effects for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297730BA01B12After Effects for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297730BA02B12After Effects for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309344BA01B12Animate - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309344BA02B12Animate - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309294BA01B12Animate - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309294BA02B12Animate - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309238BA01B12Animate - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309238BA02B12Animate - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309287BA01B12Animate - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309287BA02B12Animate - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309228BA01B12Animate - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309228BA02B12Animate - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309280BA01B12Animate - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309280BA02B12Animate - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297550BA01B12Animate / Flash Professional for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297550BA02B12Animate / Flash Professional for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297555BA01B12Animate / Flash Professional for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297555BA02B12Animate / Flash Professional for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309531BA01B12Audition - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309531BA02B12Audition - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309533BA01B12Audition - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309533BA02B12Audition - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309438BA01B12Audition - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309438BA02B12Audition - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309616BA01B12Audition - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309616BA02B12Audition - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309433BA01B12Audition - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309433BA02B12Audition - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309517BA01B12Audition - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309517BA02B12Audition - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297385BA01A12Captivate for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297385BA02A12Captivate for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297392BA01A12Captivate for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297392BA02A12Captivate for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297396BA01A12Captivate for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297396BA02A12Captivate for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297403BA01A12Captivate for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297403BA02A12Captivate for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310100BA01B12CC All Apps - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310100BA02B12CC All Apps - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310112BA01B12CC All Apps - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310112BA02B12CC All Apps - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310133BA01B12CC All Apps - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310133BA02B12CC All Apps - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310133BA01B12+Pantone Connect ESDCC All Apps - Pro for teams 含Pantone Connect ESD續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310133BA02B12+Pantone Connect ESDCC All Apps - Pro for teams 含Pantone Connect ESD續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310147BA01B12CC All Apps - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310147BA02B12CC All Apps - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310147BA01B12+Pantone Connect ESDCC All Apps - Pro for teams 含Pantone Connect ESD續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310147BA02B12+Pantone Connect ESDCC All Apps - Pro for teams 含Pantone Connect ESD續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310136BA01B12CC All Apps - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310136BA02B12CC All Apps - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310136BA01B12+Pantone Connect ESDCC All Apps - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫) 含Pantone Connect ESD新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310136BA02B12+Pantone Connect ESDCC All Apps - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫) 含Pantone Connect ESD新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310154BA01B12CC All Apps - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310154BA02B12CC All Apps - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310154BA01B12+Pantone Connect ESDCC All Apps - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫) 含Pantone Connect ESD新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310154BA02B12+Pantone Connect ESDCC All Apps - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫) 含Pantone Connect ESD新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297751BA01B12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297751BA02B12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297751BA01B12+Pantone Connect ESDCreative Cloud for teams All Apps 含Pantone Connect ESD新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297751BA02B12+Pantone Connect ESDCreative Cloud for teams All Apps 含Pantone Connect ESD新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297756BA01B12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297756BA02B12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297756BA01B12+Pantone Connect ESDCreative Cloud for teams All Apps 含Pantone Connect ESD續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297756BA02B12+Pantone Connect ESDCreative Cloud for teams All Apps 含Pantone Connect ESD續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297677BA01B12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps with Adobe Stock新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297677BA02B12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps with Adobe Stock新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297677BA01B12+Pantone Connect ESDCreative Cloud for teams All Apps with Adobe Stock 含Pantone Connect ESD新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297677BA02B12+Pantone Connect ESDCreative Cloud for teams All Apps with Adobe Stock 含Pantone Connect ESD新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297682BA01B12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps with Adobe Stock續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297682BA02B12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps with Adobe Stock續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297682BA01B12+Pantone Connect ESDCreative Cloud for teams All Apps with Adobe Stock 含Pantone Connect ESD續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297682BA02B12+Pantone Connect ESDCreative Cloud for teams All Apps with Adobe Stock 含Pantone Connect ESD續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309483BA01B12Dimension - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309483BA02B12Dimension - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309490BA01B12Dimension - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309490BA02B12Dimension - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309573BA01B12Dimension - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309573BA02B12Dimension - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309587BA01B12Dimension - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309587BA02B12Dimension - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309574BA01B12Dimension - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309574BA02B12Dimension - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309666BA01B12Dimension - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309666BA02B12Dimension - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308703BA01B12Dreamweaver - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308703BA02B12Dreamweaver - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308712BA01B12Dreamweaver - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308712BA02B12Dreamweaver - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309258BA01B12Dreamweaver - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309258BA02B12Dreamweaver - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309269BA01B12Dreamweaver - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309269BA02B12Dreamweaver - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309167BA01B12Dreamweaver - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309167BA02B12Dreamweaver - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309253BA01B12Dreamweaver - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309253BA02B12Dreamweaver - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297767BA01B12Dreamweaver for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297767BA02B12Dreamweaver for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297793BA01B12Dreamweaver for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297793BA02B12Dreamweaver for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65291531BA01B12FrameMaker for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65291531BA02B12FrameMaker for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65291538BA01B12FrameMaker for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65291538BA02B12FrameMaker for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65291588BA01B12FrameMaker for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65291588BA02B12FrameMaker for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65291595BA01B12FrameMaker for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65291595BA02B12FrameMaker for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
30001483BA01A12Generative Credits Add-on for Enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
30001483BA02A12Generative Credits Add-on for Enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
30001487BA01A12Generative Credits Add-on for Enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
30001487BA02A12Generative Credits Add-on for Enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
30001498BA01A12Generative Credits Add-on for Teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
30001498BA02A12Generative Credits Add-on for Teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
30001507BA01A12Generative Credits Add-on for Teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
30001507BA02A12Generative Credits Add-on for Teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308963BA01B12Illustrator - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308963BA02B12Illustrator - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309202BA01B12Illustrator - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309202BA02B12Illustrator - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309194BA01B12Illustrator - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309194BA02B12Illustrator - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309205BA01B12Illustrator - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309205BA02B12Illustrator - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309145BA01B12Illustrator - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309145BA02B12Illustrator - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309184BA01B12Illustrator - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309184BA02B12Illustrator - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297600BA01B12Illustrator for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297600BA02B12Illustrator for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297605BA01B12Illustrator for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297605BA02B12Illustrator for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65322936BA01A12InCopy - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65322936BA02A12InCopy - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65322943BA01A12InCopy - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65322943BA02A12InCopy - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309443BA01A12InCopy - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309443BA02A12InCopy - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309457BA01A12InCopy - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309457BA02A12InCopy - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309367BA01A12InCopy - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309367BA02A12InCopy - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309382BA01A12InCopy - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309382BA02A12InCopy - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297668BA01A12InCopy for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297668BA02A12InCopy for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297673BA01A12InCopy for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297673BA02A12InCopy for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309722BA01B12InDesign - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309722BA02B12InDesign - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309731BA01B12InDesign - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309731BA02B12InDesign - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308578BA01B12InDesign - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308578BA02B12InDesign - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309101BA01B12InDesign - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309101BA02B12InDesign - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308586BA01B12InDesign - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308586BA02B12InDesign - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309094BA01B12InDesign - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309094BA02B12InDesign - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297559BA01B12InDesign for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297559BA02B12InDesign for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297581BA01B12InDesign for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297581BA02B12InDesign for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309062BA01B12Lightroom - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309062BA02B12Lightroom - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309121BA01B12Lightroom - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309121BA02B12Lightroom - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308899BA01B12Lightroom - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308899BA02B12Lightroom - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309112BA01B12Lightroom - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309112BA02B12Lightroom - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308971BA01B12Lightroom - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308971BA02B12Lightroom - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308976BA01B12Lightroom - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308976BA02B12Lightroom - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297833BA01B12Lightroom w Classic for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297833BA02B12Lightroom w Classic for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297847BA01B12Lightroom w Classic for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297847BA02B12Lightroom w Classic for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308632BA01B12Photoshop - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308632BA02B12Photoshop - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309774BA01B12Photoshop - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309774BA02B12Photoshop - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308608BA01B12Photoshop - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308608BA02B12Photoshop - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309736BA01B12Photoshop - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309736BA02B12Photoshop - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308603BA01B12Photoshop - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308603BA02B12Photoshop - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309659BA01B12Photoshop - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309659BA02B12Photoshop - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297618BA01B12Photoshop for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297618BA02B12Photoshop for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297623BA01B12Photoshop for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297623BA02B12Photoshop for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309983BA01B12Premiere Pro - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309983BA02B12Premiere Pro - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310001BA01B12Premiere Pro - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310001BA02B12Premiere Pro - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309974BA01B12Premiere Pro - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309974BA02B12Premiere Pro - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310089BA01B12Premiere Pro - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310089BA02B12Premiere Pro - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309982BA01B12Premiere Pro - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309982BA02B12Premiere Pro - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310096BA01B12Premiere Pro - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310096BA02B12Premiere Pro - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65320858BA01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 1000 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320858BA02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 1000 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65320863BA01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 150 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320863BA02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 150 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65320839BA01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 1500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320839BA02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 1500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65320842BA01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 2000 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320842BA02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 2000 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65320872BA01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 2500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320872BA02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 2500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65320852BA01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320852BA02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65296403BA01A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 150點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65296403BA02A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 150點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65296334BA01A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 16 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65296334BA02A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 16 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65296327BA01A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 40 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65296327BA02A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 40 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65296310BA01A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 500 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65296310BA02A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 500 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65296336BA01A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 5點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65296336BA02A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 5點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65296314BA01A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 80 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65296314BA02A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 80 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65306406BA01A12Substance 3D Assets for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65306406BA02A12Substance 3D Assets for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65306413BA01A12Substance 3D Assets for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65306413BA02A12Substance 3D Assets for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65322917BA01A12Substance 3D Collection for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65322917BA02A12Substance 3D Collection for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65322924BA01A12Substance 3D Collection for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65322924BA02A12Substance 3D Collection for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65317584BA01A12Substance 3D Collection for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65317584BA02A12Substance 3D Collection for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65317591BA01A12Substance 3D Collection for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65317591BA02A12Substance 3D Collection for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL

Adobe 全系列軟體 教育授權 (VIP)

快克利更新:2024 年 4 月 25 日
原廠料號產品名稱 (W)授權類型等級優惠價
65271791BB01A12Acrobat Pro for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271791BB02A12Acrobat Pro for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271784BB01A12Acrobat Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271784BB02A12Acrobat Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65298000BB01A12Acrobat Pro for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65298000BB02A12Acrobat Pro for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297995BB01A12Acrobat Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297995BB02A12Acrobat Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65276692BB01A12Adobe Audition for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65276692BB02A12Adobe Audition for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271457BB01A12Adobe Audition for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271457BB02A12Adobe Audition for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272597BB01A12Adobe Audition for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272597BB02A12Adobe Audition for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272590BB01A12Adobe Audition for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272590BB02A12Adobe Audition for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65286757BB01A12Adobe Dimension for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65286757BB02A12Adobe Dimension for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65286750BB01A12Adobe Dimension for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65286750BB02A12Adobe Dimension for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65286798BB01A12Adobe Dimension for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65286798BB02A12Adobe Dimension for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65286805BB01A12Adobe Dimension for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65286805BB02A12Adobe Dimension for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65326109BB01A12Adobe Express for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65326109BB02A12Adobe Express for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65326116BB01A12Adobe Express for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65326116BB02A12Adobe Express for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65276954BB01A12Adobe Premiere Pro for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65276954BB02A12Adobe Premiere Pro for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271516BB01A12Adobe Premiere Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271516BB02A12Adobe Premiere Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272402BB01A12Adobe Premiere Pro for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272402BB02A12Adobe Premiere Pro for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272395BB01A12Adobe Premiere Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272395BB02A12Adobe Premiere Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271940BB01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Large) (圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271940BB02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Large) (圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271947BB01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Large) (圖庫)續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271947BB02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Large) (圖庫)續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65274098BB01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Other) (圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65274098BB02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Other) (圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65274091BB01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Other) (圖庫)續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65274091BB02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Other) (圖庫)續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271960BB01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Small) (圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271960BB02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Small) (圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271967BB01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Small) (圖庫)續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271967BB02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Small) (圖庫)續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65276549BB01A12After Effects for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65276549BB02A12After Effects for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271490BB01A12After Effects for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271490BB02A12After Effects for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272511BB01A12After Effects for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272511BB02A12After Effects for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272504BB01A12After Effects for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272504BB02A12After Effects for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65276851BB01A12Animate / Flash Professional for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65276851BB02A12Animate / Flash Professional for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271497BB01A12Animate / Flash Professional for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271497BB02A12Animate / Flash Professional for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272433BB01A12Animate / Flash Professional for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272433BB02A12Animate / Flash Professional for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272423BB01A12Animate / Flash Professional for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272423BB02A12Animate / Flash Professional for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297392BB01A12Captivate for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297392BB02A12Captivate for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297385BB01A12Captivate for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297385BB02A12Captivate for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297403BB01A12Captivate for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297403BB02A12Captivate for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297396BB01A12Captivate for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297396BB02A12Captivate for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65276753BB01A12Creative Cloud for enterprise All Apps新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65276753BB02A12Creative Cloud for enterprise All Apps新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297207BB01A12Creative Cloud for enterprise All Apps (CCE-SDL (共享裝置授權))新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297207BB02A12Creative Cloud for enterprise All Apps (CCE-SDL (共享裝置授權))新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271417BB01A12Creative Cloud for enterprise All Apps續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271417BB02A12Creative Cloud for enterprise All Apps續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297200BB01A12Creative Cloud for enterprise All Apps (CCE-SDL (共享裝置授權))續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297200BB02A12Creative Cloud for enterprise All Apps (CCE-SDL (共享裝置授權))續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272452BB01A12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272452BB02A12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272481BB01A12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272481BB02A12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65276775BB01A12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps with Adobe Stock (含圖庫; 每月10個素材)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65276775BB02A12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps with Adobe Stock (含圖庫; 每月10個素材)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65276769BB01A12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps with Adobe Stock (含圖庫; 每月10個素材)續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65276769BB02A12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps with Adobe Stock (含圖庫; 每月10個素材)續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65276800BB01A12Dreamweaver for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65276800BB02A12Dreamweaver for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271397BB01A12Dreamweaver for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271397BB02A12Dreamweaver for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272459BB01A12Dreamweaver for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272459BB02A12Dreamweaver for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272432BB01A12Dreamweaver for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272432BB02A12Dreamweaver for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65291538BB01A12FrameMaker for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65291538BB02A12FrameMaker for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65291531BB01A12FrameMaker for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65291531BB02A12FrameMaker for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65291588BB01A12FrameMaker for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65291588BB02A12FrameMaker for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65291595BB01A12FrameMaker for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65291595BB02A12FrameMaker for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309811BB01A12FrameMaker Pub Servr for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309811BB02A12FrameMaker Pub Servr for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309821BB01A12FrameMaker Pub Servr for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309821BB02A12FrameMaker Pub Servr for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65276898BB01A12Illustrator for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65276898BB02A12Illustrator for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271428BB01A12Illustrator for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271428BB02A12Illustrator for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272373BB01A12Illustrator for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272373BB02A12Illustrator for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272366BB01A12Illustrator for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272366BB02A12Illustrator for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65322863BB01A12InCopy for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65322863BB02A12InCopy for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65322870BB01A12InCopy for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65322870BB02A12InCopy for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65276685BB01A12InCopy for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65276685BB02A12InCopy for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65276691BB01A12InCopy for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65276691BB02A12InCopy for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65276862BB01A12InDesign for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65276862BB02A12InDesign for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271533BB01A12InDesign for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271533BB02A12InDesign for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272663BB01A12InDesign for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272663BB02A12InDesign for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272348BB01A12InDesign for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272348BB02A12InDesign for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65296087BB01A12Lightroom w Classic for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65296087BB02A12Lightroom w Classic for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65296094BB01A12Lightroom w Classic for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65296094BB02A12Lightroom w Classic for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65296108BB01A12Lightroom w Classic for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65296108BB02A12Lightroom w Classic for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65296101BB01A12Lightroom w Classic for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65296101BB02A12Lightroom w Classic for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65276697BB01A12Photoshop for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65276697BB02A12Photoshop for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271473BB01A12Photoshop for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271473BB02A12Photoshop for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272497BB01A12Photoshop for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272497BB02A12Photoshop for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65272490BB01A12Photoshop for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65272490BB02A12Photoshop for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65320839BB01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 1500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320839BB02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 1500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65320842BB01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 2000 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320842BB02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 2000 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65320852BB01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320852BB02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65320858BB01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 1000 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320858BB02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 1000 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65320863BB01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 150 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320863BB02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 150 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65320872BB01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 2500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320872BB02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 2500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65296310BB01A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 500 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65296310BB02A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 500 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65296314BB01A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 80 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65296314BB02A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 80 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65296327BB01A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 40 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65296327BB02A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 40 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65296334BB01A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 16 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65296334BB02A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 16 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65296336BB01A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 5 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65296336BB02A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 5 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65296403BB01A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 150 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65296403BB02A12Stock Credit Pack for teams 圖庫: 150 點數套裝包Team ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65322973BB01A12Substance 3D Assets for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65322973BB02A12Substance 3D Assets for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65322966BB01A12Substance 3D Assets for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65322966BB02A12Substance 3D Assets for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL

Adobe 全系列軟體 政府授權 (VIP)

快克利更新:2024 年 4 月 25 日
原廠料號產品名稱 (W)授權類型等級優惠價
65324115BC01A12Acrobat Pro for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65324115BC02A12Acrobat Pro for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65324167BC01A12Acrobat Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65324167BC02A12Acrobat Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65324174BC01A12Acrobat Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65324174BC02A12Acrobat Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65324194BC01A12Acrobat Pro for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65324194BC02A12Acrobat Pro for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65324119BC01A12Acrobat Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65324119BC02A12Acrobat Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65324132BC01A12Acrobat Pro for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65324132BC02A12Acrobat Pro for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271331BC01A12Acrobat Standard DC for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271331BC02A12Acrobat Standard DC for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65271338BC01A12Acrobat Standard DC for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65271338BC02A12Acrobat Standard DC for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65300497BC01A12Acrobat Standard DC for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65300497BC02A12Acrobat Standard DC for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65301130BC01A12Acrobat Standard DC for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65301130BC02A12Acrobat Standard DC for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297909BC01A12Acrobat Standard DC for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297909BC02A12Acrobat Standard DC for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297919BC01A12Acrobat Standard DC for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297919BC02A12Acrobat Standard DC for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297736BC01B12Adobe Audition for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297736BC02B12Adobe Audition for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297739BC01B12Adobe Audition for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297739BC02B12Adobe Audition for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297744BC01B12Adobe Audition for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297744BC02B12Adobe Audition for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297749BC01B12Adobe Audition for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297749BC02B12Adobe Audition for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297539BC01B12Adobe Dimension for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297539BC02B12Adobe Dimension for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297542BC01B12Adobe Dimension for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297542BC02B12Adobe Dimension for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297807BC01B12Adobe Dimension for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297807BC02B12Adobe Dimension for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297812BC01B12Adobe Dimension for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297812BC02B12Adobe Dimension for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65328931BC01A12Adobe Express for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65328931BC02A12Adobe Express for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65323492BC01A12Adobe Express for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65323492BC02A12Adobe Express for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65323475BC01A12Adobe Express for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65323475BC02A12Adobe Express for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65330819BC01A12Adobe Express for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65330819BC02A12Adobe Express for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65330826BC01A12Adobe Express for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65330826BC02A12Adobe Express for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65303263BC01A12Adobe Fresco for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65303263BC02A12Adobe Fresco for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65303284BC01A12Adobe Fresco for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65303284BC02A12Adobe Fresco for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65303270BC01A12Adobe Fresco for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65303270BC02A12Adobe Fresco for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65303277BC01A12Adobe Fresco for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65303277BC02A12Adobe Fresco for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297636BC01B12Adobe Premiere Pro for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297636BC02B12Adobe Premiere Pro for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297639BC01B12Adobe Premiere Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297639BC02B12Adobe Premiere Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297626BC01B12Adobe Premiere Pro for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297626BC02B12Adobe Premiere Pro for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297631BC01B12Adobe Premiere Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297631BC02B12Adobe Premiere Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65270685BC01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Large) (圖庫)續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65270685BC02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Large) (圖庫)續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65270692BC01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Large) (圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65270692BC02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Large) (圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65274058BC01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Other) (圖庫)續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65274058BC02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Other) (圖庫)續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65274065BC01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Other) (圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65274065BC02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Other) (圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65270596BC01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Small) (圖庫)續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65270596BC02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Small) (圖庫)續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65270603BC01A12Adobe Stock for teams (Small) (圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65270603BC02A12Adobe Stock for teams (Small) (圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309787BC01B12After Effects - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309787BC02B12After Effects - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308737BC01B12After Effects - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫;最低訂購量5套,可混搭)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308737BC02B12After Effects - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫;最低訂購量5套,可混搭)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308662BC01B12After Effects - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308662BC02B12After Effects - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308754BC01B12After Effects - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308754BC02B12After Effects - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308656BC01B12After Effects - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308656BC02B12After Effects - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308748BC01B12After Effects - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308748BC02B12After Effects - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297725BC01B12After Effects for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297725BC02B12After Effects for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297730BC01B12After Effects for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297730BC02B12After Effects for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309344BC01B12Animate - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309344BC02B12Animate - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309294BC01B12Animate - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309294BC02B12Animate - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309238BC01B12Animate - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309238BC02B12Animate - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309287BC01B12Animate - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309287BC02B12Animate - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309228BC01B12Animate - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309228BC02B12Animate - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309280BC01B12Animate - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309280BC02B12Animate - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297544BC01B12Animate / Flash Professional for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297544BC02B12Animate / Flash Professional for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297547BC01B12Animate / Flash Professional for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297547BC02B12Animate / Flash Professional for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297550BC01B12Animate / Flash Professional for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297550BC02B12Animate / Flash Professional for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297555BC01B12Animate / Flash Professional for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297555BC02B12Animate / Flash Professional for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309531BC01B12Audition - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309531BC02B12Audition - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309533BC01B12Audition - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309533BC02B12Audition - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309438BC01B12Audition - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309438BC02B12Audition - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309616BC01B12Audition - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309616BC02B12Audition - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309433BC01B12Audition - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309433BC02B12Audition - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309517BC01B12Audition - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309517BC02B12Audition - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297385BC01A12Captivate for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297385BC02A12Captivate for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297392BC01A12Captivate for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297392BC02A12Captivate for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297396BC01A12Captivate for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297396BC02A12Captivate for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297403BC01A12Captivate for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297403BC02A12Captivate for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310100BC01B12CC All Apps - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310100BC02B12CC All Apps - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310112BC01B12CC All Apps - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310112BC02B12CC All Apps - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310133BC01B12CC All Apps - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310133BC02B12CC All Apps - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310147BC01B12CC All Apps - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310147BC02B12CC All Apps - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310136BC01B12CC All Apps - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310136BC02B12CC All Apps - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310154BC01B12CC All Apps - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310154BC02B12CC All Apps - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297751BC01B12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297751BC02B12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297756BC01B12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297756BC02B12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297677BC01B12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps with Adobe Stock (含圖庫; 每月10個素材)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297677BC02B12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps with Adobe Stock (含圖庫; 每月10個素材)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297682BC01B12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps with Adobe Stock (含圖庫; 每月10個素材)續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297682BC02B12Creative Cloud for teams All Apps with Adobe Stock (含圖庫; 每月10個素材)續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309483BC01B12Dimension - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309483BC02B12Dimension - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309490BC01B12Dimension - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309490BC02B12Dimension - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309573BC01B12Dimension - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309573BC02B12Dimension - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309587BC01B12Dimension - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309587BC02B12Dimension - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309574BC01B12Dimension - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309574BC02B12Dimension - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309666BC01B12Dimension - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309666BC02B12Dimension - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308703BC01B12Dreamweaver - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308703BC02B12Dreamweaver - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308712BC01B12Dreamweaver - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308712BC02B12Dreamweaver - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309258BC01B12Dreamweaver - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309258BC02B12Dreamweaver - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309269BC01B12Dreamweaver - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309269BC02B12Dreamweaver - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309167BC01B12Dreamweaver - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309167BC02B12Dreamweaver - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309253BC01B12Dreamweaver - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309253BC02B12Dreamweaver - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297767BC01B12Dreamweaver for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297767BC02B12Dreamweaver for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297793BC01B12Dreamweaver for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297793BC02B12Dreamweaver for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65291531BC01B12FrameMaker for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65291531BC02B12FrameMaker for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65291538BC01B12FrameMaker for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65291538BC02B12FrameMaker for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65291588BC01B12FrameMaker for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65291588BC02B12FrameMaker for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65291595BC01B12FrameMaker for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65291595BC02B12FrameMaker for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308963BC01B12Illustrator - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308963BC02B12Illustrator - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309202BC01B12Illustrator - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309202BC02B12Illustrator - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309194BC01B12Illustrator - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309194BC02B12Illustrator - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309205BC01B12Illustrator - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309205BC02B12Illustrator - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309145BC01B12Illustrator - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309145BC02B12Illustrator - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309184BC01B12Illustrator - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309184BC02B12Illustrator - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297600BC01B12Illustrator for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297600BC02B12Illustrator for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297605BC01B12Illustrator for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297605BC02B12Illustrator for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65322958BC01A12InCopy - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65322958BC02A12InCopy - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65322951BC01A12InCopy - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65322951BC02A12InCopy - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309443BC01A12InCopy - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309443BC02A12InCopy - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309457BC01A12InCopy - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309457BC02A12InCopy - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309367BC01A12InCopy - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309367BC02A12InCopy - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309382BC01A12InCopy - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309382BC02A12InCopy - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297668BC01A12InCopy for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297668BC02A12InCopy for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297673BC01A12InCopy for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297673BC02A12InCopy for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309722BC01B12InDesign - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309722BC02B12InDesign - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309731BC01B12InDesign - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309731BC02B12InDesign - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308578BC01B12InDesign - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308578BC02B12InDesign - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309101BC01B12InDesign - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309101BC02B12InDesign - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308586BC01B12InDesign - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308586BC02B12InDesign - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309094BC01B12InDesign - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309094BC02B12InDesign - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297559BC01B12InDesign for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297559BC02B12InDesign for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297581BC01B12InDesign for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297581BC02B12InDesign for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309062BC01B12Lightroom - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309062BC02B12Lightroom - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309121BC01B12Lightroom - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309121BC02B12Lightroom - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308899BC01B12Lightroom - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308899BC02B12Lightroom - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309112BC01B12Lightroom - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309112BC02B12Lightroom - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308971BC01B12Lightroom - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308971BC02B12Lightroom - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308976BC01B12Lightroom - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308976BC02B12Lightroom - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297840BC01B12Lightroom w Classic for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297840BC02B12Lightroom w Classic for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297854BC01B12Lightroom w Classic for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297854BC02B12Lightroom w Classic for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297833BC01B12Lightroom w Classic for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297833BC02B12Lightroom w Classic for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65297847BC01B12Lightroom w Classic for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65297847BC02B12Lightroom w Classic for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65308632BC01B12Photoshop - Pro for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65308632BC02B12Photoshop - Pro for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309774BC01B12Photoshop - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309774BC02B12Photoshop - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
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65308608BC02B12Photoshop - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309736BC01B12Photoshop - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
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65310001BC02B12Premiere Pro - Pro for enterprise (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309974BC01B12Premiere Pro - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309974BC02B12Premiere Pro - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310089BC01B12Premiere Pro - Pro for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310089BC02B12Premiere Pro - Pro for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65309982BC01B12Premiere Pro - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65309982BC02B12Premiere Pro - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65310096BC01B12Premiere Pro - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65310096BC02B12Premiere Pro - Pro for teams (含無限圖庫)新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
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65320858BC02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 1000 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65320863BC01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 150 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320863BC02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 150 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65320839BC01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 1500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320839BC02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 1500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65320842BC01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 2000 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320842BC02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 2000 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65320872BC01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 2500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320872BC02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 2500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65320852BC01A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 1 1 - 9CALL
65320852BC02A12Stock Credit Pack for enterprise 圖庫: 500 點數套裝包Enterprise ConsumptionLevel 2 10 - 49CALL
65306406BC01A12Substance 3D Assets for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65306406BC02A12Substance 3D Assets for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65306413BC01A12Substance 3D Assets for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65306413BC02A12Substance 3D Assets for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65322903BC01A12Substance 3D Collection for enterprise新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65322903BC02A12Substance 3D Collection for enterprise新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65322910BC01A12Substance 3D Collection for enterprise續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65322910BC02A12Substance 3D Collection for enterprise續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65317584BC01A12Substance 3D Collection for teams新購Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65317584BC02A12Substance 3D Collection for teams新購Level 2 10 - 49CALL
65317591BC01A12Substance 3D Collection for teams續約Level 1 1 - 9CALL
65317591BC02A12Substance 3D Collection for teams續約Level 2 10 - 49CALL

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65324405AF01A00Acrobat Pro2020跨平台中文版TLP 政府授權CALL
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